Welcome to my ATC blog. Here I will post the ATCs I make, videos from my you tube, and anything else ATC/mail art related that I do or find interesting. Check back for updates and possible giveaways!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Hey there! I am starting this blog to track my progress in making ATCs. My real name is Phillipa, but most people who know me call me Seedlet, so I'm going to go with that and it would be cool if you would too. I live in Oklahoma at the moment, but I grew up Ohio. I love kitty cats, food, caffeine, sleeping, the Internet, anime, TV, movies, and Art. I will try to keep this blog more or less on topic and only talk about ATCs, but I do art about what I like, so these topics are likely to slip in as I make cards about them.

I just started making ATCs a few weeks ago. I think they are a brilliant idea, if for no other reason than it gives artists way to practice their hobby without needing to do massive complex works. I love to paint, but canvas is expensive and large, so sometimes I may want to paint but don't because I don't know the next time I'll be able to afford new canvas. With ATCs, all I need is a little piece of card stock and half an hour and I can create a little piece of art. I also love collage art but don't have a lot of experience with it, so I can use ATCs as a way to practice it without accidentally creating something I hate on a huge surface with wasted supplies and time.

I guess you could argue that as long as I get practice in it isn't a waste, but you feel differently about it when you don't have many supplies to begin with, and using a lot of nice paper, glue and images might mean you don't get to do ANYTHING for the next week or more. A tiny ATC doesn't use as much materials and means a mistake is no big deal, and I can just try again tomorrow.

Every time I make an ATC, I am going to try to post it here and write a little description about how and why I made it. Hopefully I can track my progress and process and have something fun to look back on. I will also be posting the videos I make of each ATC that I record. I will try to mention when a particular ATC is up to trade so people reading can message me if they'd like to have it. I might even do some giveaways for special events or whenever I am feeling charitable! So follow if you think you might be interested, and don't be afraid to comment on whatever strikes your fancy. Thanks for stopping by!

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